Evangelistic MaterialsThe illustration will help you to explain the gospel by starting with God as The Creator, Heaven being where God lives, the Garden of Eden prepared for Adam and Eve and their initial fellowship with God, their temptation and the fall of man, and then explaining how all people are sinners traveling a wide road leading to hell. At the end of the road there is no hope apart from Christ. People will stand alone in judgment, not with their peers, who perhaps they have followed instead of Christ. GOSPEL BOOKMARKClick on picture for larger view.TWO ROADS EVANGELISTIC TARPFor those who are ready to try public preaching this illustrative tarp will be help to enable you to clearly present the gospel to 20-100 people at a time. It is basically the same design as the Gospel Bookmark, but includes Velcro stick ons, that you can place on the tarp during your presentation. For example, as you talk about the temptation of Adam and Eve, you can place a snake on the tarp, and explain how Satan also tempts all people everywhere, with his schemes to kill, steal, destroy, and deceive. As you proceed to talk about the pride and ambitions of people on the wide road, you can place pictures of a car, house, cell phone, and so forth explaining how God is looking for people who will desire to worship and serve Him, rather than the lusts of people. The stick ons of people with darkened hearts because of sin, in contrast to a new clean heart from God, become powerful illustrative tools as you preach and teach. The tarp can be used at half time of a Friendship Basketball Game, in Prison Ministry, at Schools, in Sunday School, and at parks and public places. It can be a challenging endeavor for your group to take turns presenting during training /practice sessions. Some groups like to “tag team”, having one start the presentation, another cover the middle part, and another leading up to the appeal for sinners to repent and surrender their lives to God through Jesus Christ. “As for me and my House, we will serve The Lord”: taking your family out soul winning, can impact your kids to be Christ centered for the rest of their lives, as they see the power of the gospel. Imagine a line of people standing and waiting to buy a lottery ticket, and you and your family standing nearby with the TWO ROADS TARP unashamedly sharing your faith, and the love of God! The Bible says “He that winneth souls is wise!” We thank God for the wisdom to design the following materials. We want them to be available to you and your church. Many are using them as illustrative tools to help lead all kinds of people to Christ. TWO ROADS BOOKLETClick on a picture for larger view.This booklet covers the same theme as the Gospel Bookmark. It can be used as a training tool on how to use the bookmark. You and your church mates can become more equipped to present the gospel, by memorizing the key verses, and points of explanation. Your youth group or home study group can be revived to get going for Jesus, and win more people to Christ.TO PLACE AN ORDER for any of these materials just email to admin@visionisaiah58.org. To offset printing and mailing costs, contributions are much appreciated, along with your order.Suggested contribution for each bookmark, for orders of 1-99 Gospel Bookmarks: $.50 USD or P 15.00 PHPOrders over 100: $.25 USD or P 10.00 PHPSuggested contribution for each booklet, for orders of 1-99 Two Roads Booklets: $2.00 USD or P 75.00 PHPOrders over 100: $1.00 USD or P50.00 PHPOn the other side of the bookmark, you can easily explain how Jesus came into the world, sent by The Father to save all who turn to God through Him. The illustration of the door, and Christ’s words: “I am the door” immediately gives people hope. Go onto explain the Cross, Salvation, and the Narrow Road, and many will be ready to receive Christ. Whether you are a student, or working person it is an easy way to get your friend’s attention. Also effective in hospitals, street ministry, and other public places, you and your church mates can gain confidence sharing your faith this way.
GOSPEL BOOKMARK PRESENTATION by a student to a classmate Click on picture for larger view.
At halftime of a basketball outreach, this TWO ROADS evangelistic tarp is used to illustrate the gospel teaching, and bring people closer in to listen better. "many from the street are choosing THE NARROW ROAD"